Our services.



For women and their children who need a safe space to stay and be supported due to family violence. This is a shared living space with up to 5 women and children at one time.


For families with children who are homeless or who have serious housing need for up to 12 weeks. During this time, families participate in wrap-around programmes while Te Whanau Rangimarie assists them in finding long-term housing or an affordable rental they can move into. These programmes include advocacy with government agencies, parenting classes, ready to rent seminar and more.

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Whether you are already a super parent or one who is struggling we are here to help you with positive and practical ideas and insights to inspire you, providing practical solutions to equip you on your parenting journey. Building Awesome Whanau is a 6 session, 2 hours per session Parenting Course that focuses on building your family on aroha, and how to implement strategies to put these in place at your home.


Children who have been affected by family violence can often suffer from lacking in confidence, being afraid, withdrawn, and angry and sometimes showing behaviour problems. He Taonga Te Mokopuna (Children are our treasure) is a Children’s Safety Programme that helps children build strategies on how to cope with anxiety and anger build up healthy self-esteem. Approved by Courts and Oranga Tamariki.

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Do you ever find yourself acting out unwanted behaviours like anger, violence, and abuse? Would you like to change your mindset? Develop positive behaviours and empowerment to control negative attitudes and actions. Houhou Te Rangimarie (Journey towards peace) is a Non-Violence Programme for Adults and provides positive self-management and techniques to overcome negative patterns. Approved by Courts, Probation and MSD.


Have you been or are you being affected by violence and abuse? Would you like help to put strategies in place to live free from violence now and in the future and strengthen your ability to plan for the future. Pakeke Awhina is a Safety Programme for Adults and assists you with a safe space to share and connect with others sharing empowerment strategies and understanding to help you deal with the effects of violence. Approved by Courts and MSD/ Oranga Tamariki.

A Kaiawhina who is seconded to work at Te Taanga Manawa at the family harm hub based in Manukau to support with high-risk safety and needs assessments.



Groups of up to 10 men at one time travelling to Rangitoto Island for up to 3 days to connect with the taiao and create and strengthen sense of self identity, sense of belonging and strengthening their confidence as individuals with a commitment of working towards being violent free and becoming a kahukura (champion) in their whanau to continue role modelling the positive changes they have made.


Providing counselling services to whanau, couples and individuals.

Ready to rent

Supporting individuals identified through MSD as being ready and willing to engage in a 10 hour seminar over 2 days that can provide some foundation knowledge to support them with being ready to rent. All referrals must come through MSD.

skinny jump

Partnered with Digital Inclusion to provide Skinny Jump modems for free with prepaid options for modem top up to allow the community to access the internet.

Whanau Resilience

Service that supports whanau with positive life changes where they are supported to live violence free and to eliminate violence for the next generation. Whanau voice is key to supporting in this space everyone has their own story to tell, therefore, each journey is unique to you and your whanau based on your voice and your needs and how we can support you to live violence free and eliminate violence for the next generations.

family violence support

Supporting the MDCAT (Multi Disciplinary Community Agency Team) based at Te Taanga Manawa family harm base in Manukau by providing a Kaiawhina to support with high-risk family harm referrals. Working collaboratively with MDCAT to follow up with whanau focusing on immediate safety risk and needs.

Supporting the Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke and NGO Coalition by providing Kaiawhina to support with low to medium risk family harm referrals. Following up with whanau focusing on immediate safety, risk and needs.

te pikinga

Te Pikinga is a programme that is delivered in Mt Eden Correctional Facility.

Te Pikinga means to climb up, to take stock and look at the opportunities – it’s like climbing a hill to see the forest as a whole.

Te Pikinga is focused on life and what is important to you. It does not involve talking about offending.

Te Pikinga has three modules you can choose from:

  • Hinengaro – noticing and managing thoughts, problem solving

  • Whatumanawa – noticing and managing emotions, mindfulness and distress tolerance

  • Whānau looking at relationships and communication.

Each module consists of four group sessions. Each session is 2.5 hours in duration.

The modules can be completed in any order, any number of times, and participants do not need to complete all three modules.

Te Pikinga is not an offence-focused rehabilitation programme and as such will not count towards participants’ sentence plan requirements (once sentenced). Instead, it aims to  help participants reflect on what is important to them, increase wellbeing, and learn some ways to manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviour in the unit.

It incorporates pūrākau of Māui, Te Whare Tapa Whā (model of holistic wellbeing), and an emphasis on identifying participants’ priorities and planning for the future.